Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Why I Ride

Tonight I had dinner at Promises Culinary School. It was a "themed" event, "From Out Mothers' Kitchens" a tasting dinner of Mothers' recipes made by students at the culinary school or brought by guests. The venue was the culinary school, so we ate, as it were, "in the kitchen." The story of the food was told and then it was served by students in white chef's hats and starched chef's jackets. It was good eats and good company. The recipes are wonderful, but it is the students who are the success stories. They are the folks who turned their lives around when they were given the chance. Many of these folk start by being served in the soup kitchen, progress to learning how to cook at the culinary school, and ultimately get jobs at Promises Caterers or other restaurants in New Brunswick. They are why I ride. Your donations change their lives... For them, I thank you.

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