Thursday, May 1, 2008

Blog Break

Tomorrow I'm going down to Bethesda, MD with Deb to ride in a WORLD T.E.A.M. SPORTS (see previous blog) event. It starts Saturday, at the Capital Cresant Trail (see previous blog) and ends at Gettysburg, Pa on Sunday. So I won't be blogging util Monday or Tuesday. It will be moving and humbling to ride with wounded vets. Deb got her own wound and almost didn't get to ride. Last night she fell off her bike, generating a dislocated fracture (or fractured dislocation), a two inch lacertion, and the sacrifice of her new gloves that were cut off by the EMT. At any rate, the Doc said she was still good to ride.

Today's trivia question: Guess how many miles I rode in April? Find the answer at the bottom of April 29 post. Hint: The milage is excessive. For the rest of the month, I'm going to work on strengthening my core, learning some yoga stretches, and doing some back-to-back 85 mile rides.

p.s. the pictured finger isn't Deb's. She wouldn't give me the finger. = : - o

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