Saturday, May 24, 2008

Ride, Just Ride

It was a glorious day to ride. Just ride. No training goal, no time constraints, nothing but the bike and the road. It was warm, the mid-sixties, the first time this year I’ve ridden without leg warmers or a wind jacket. The sky was full of Simpsons’ cloulds. The ‘bent took me out to the country. Once you pass the little town of Neshanic, the country gets very rural with horses, cows, and Victorian houses. My path took be down to River Road, another route from my childhood. Duke Island Park is on the other side of the river. We had lots of picnics there, the folks playing pinochle and us kids taking the flat bottom boat out on the shallow river. It was a special place. As for River Road itself, Bob and I, and maybe my cousin Jack, or next door neighbor, Tom, would ride out here after dinner. On our ten speeds. 7 miles out and 7 miles back as I remember it. Then I rode through Raritan and Somerville to my folks’ house. Mom was at Bingo, but Dad was home and made me lunch. I showed him how to find the blog on his computer. From there it was through South Bound Brook, Canal Rd., and home. 47 miles at 16.3 mph ave.

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