Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 17: Pseudo-easy day, 72 miles

They told us today would be easy. But with the temperature in the high nineties and 1,800 feet of climb, it was not. The heat is very dry, so you don't really sweat, but if you're a mouth breather (as I usually am), it's like riding with a blow drier aimed at your throat. "Parched, " that's the word I'm looking for.

Enough griping. I may have forgotten to mention Sue. Sue lives in Grand Junction, has made several trips with ABB, and met us at the first under pass (needed shady spot) past the Colorado state line to give us ice pops. Today Sue road us out to a scenic bike path that ran along the Colorado River. The Colorado is not as I imagined it. It's about as wide as the Raritan River (say in Raritan or Somerville) but runs very fast and looks very deep. Last week, it flooded over the bike path. The rest of the ride was on I-50 and was just about getting there. After the rest stop at mile 30, most of us struggled, but an self-initiated stop at mile 45 helped a lot.

"Ride the Rockies" a ride with 2500 riders starts here tomorrow and follows the same route we do. So the town is full of cyclists. There are two bike shops in town. I visited both of them, had a brake job, and got some gas canisters to blow up by tires.

Once at the hotel, we went on an excrusion to the Black Canyon. It was breath taking, with a 2000 foot drop down to the canyon floor.

That's it from Colorado.
Peace out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got out to the Black Canyon. The ride from Montrose (the other mile high city/town) to Gunnison is supposed to be spectacularly beautiful. That sort of ride should continue to Salida. Congrats on doing so well so far. We just want you to enjoy yourself and fulfill your dreams. Bob