Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Who is that pedaling professor?

Here I am, a dad, a professor, and now an athlete. Who’d have thunk it? The dad thing gives me the most joy. Chris (29), Rebecca (26), and Matt (19) have enriched my life by teaching me all sorts of things - theater, computers, girl things, human insight, skiing, how to navigate New York City, the importance of having fun. Each of them is uniquely different from each other. Each has given me their own special gift. They also gave Nancy and I incentive to have an amiable divorce. (Note: not a reason to have a divorce, a reason to have an amiable one.) They are “adult children” now and are for the most part out of the house. Cycling takes the edge off of that.

Being a professor is a good gig. Rutgers has taught me a lot in 24 years, as Department Chair, Director of the Graduate Program, and as a teacher. My favorite classes are “The Science of Food,”and “Food Safety: Fads, Facts, and Politics.” They’ve earned me the coveted “Smiley Face” with a “hot” desigation on RateMyProfessors.com. It’s not what I expected when I left that little technical school in Massachusetts. I’ve gotten lots of research grants and professional awards, have published more than 100 papers and edited or written 7 books. But I try to remember the words of the Harvard theologian, Henri Nouwen: “When you die and stand before God, the question won’t be “How many papers have you published in peer review journals?” The question will be “What have you done for the least of your brothers.*” At any rate, this ride is dedicated to the least of my brothers (and sisters). Riding a bike to feed the hungry, pretty neat idea if I do say so myself. The athlete thing? That’s the part that suprizes me the most.

Ten years ago, I’d never have described myself as “athletic” let alone “an athlete”. But it’s hard to deny, I ride about 6,000 miles a year, have cycled through most of the East coast, and have thighs the size of big ass ham hocks. I am an athlete. Training for this ride has made me feel this accutely. I’ve lost my taste for diet coke and have started drinking juice. My cravings are for a juicy pear, not a bag of fritos. Sleep has become more important than the Daily Show (which I Tivo anyway).

*This may not be the direct quote, but you get the idea.

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