Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 35, Champaign, IL, 100 miles

The roads were smooth, the weather was nice, the headwinds weren't too bad. All in all, a pretty good day. Except that Rob crashed and broke his collarbone. He'll be going home. : - (
We've had six accidents, three requiring trips to the hospital. I've read that cyclists average one accident every 10,000 miles. So six accidents for 80,000 miles is a little below average.

Since there isn't too much to talk about, I'm posting two videos. The first is a hand-held (my hand) video of me riding. That I'm talking about my legs while the video shows my wheel is due to the fact that I can't use the viewfinder. (I'm riding the bike, remember?) So chalk up one more advanced cycling skill, taking videos while I ride. The other video trays to capture fields, which appear random, but when you hit the right angle, you can see them all in rows. I think that's pretty cool. Unfortunately, on the small screen this only shows up as a moving brown band. Still I've left the video in so that if you want that feel of riding across IL, you can play it again, and again, and again....

1 comment:

isobeloran said...

i bet the incidence of accidents for bicyclist videographers is more like 1 accident per 5,000 miles.

how long until you hit the eastern time zone??