Friday, July 4, 2008

Day 34, 4th of July, Springfield, IL, 120 miles

total miles to date = 2500!

We'd ride down Main Street of Liberty early in the day according to the route sheet. I conjured a vision of white houses with black shutters adorned with red white and blue bunting and of a flag lined street; something like the Main Street of Disney World. In reality, Liberty consisted of eight sad houses, and a church, bookended by two gas stations/convenience stores. I went in one to purchase my Gatorade. There were a bunch of farmers in their bibs and blue shirts sitting around complaining about fuel prices, discussing the cost of hay and looking askance at my spandex shorts and brightly colored jersey. I left quickly.

The ride was hard. There are no easy centuries. I need to eat real food about half-way through, but there was not to be had. Finally, about ten miles from town there was an A&W Root Beer. Jose and I stopped for root beer floats. There was some kind of festivities going on around the state capital, so we went off route to join the fun. My favorite was the "Red Wagon Parade," were little kids had decorated their wagons as floats and pulled them down the street. We stayed off route and stumbled on the National Park that contains Lincoln's Home. It was quite a fourth of July treat! I'd tell you more, but it's late and I'm tired. We also rode our bikes out to Lincoln's tomb. We didn't reach the hotel until 5:45, but it was worth it. What a 4th of July!

For the third hotel in a row, there was no laundry. I had to play white trash, wash it in the tub, and hang it on the pool fence to dry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next time you see a bunch of farmers in bib overalls you should just tell them the truth that you are a professor from a State college ag school and that you are bicycling accross the country to raise funds for a soup kitchen. That should give you a lot of cred any place in the country. Bro